Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Interview with Kristen and Taylor

MTV has a interview with Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner. In the interview they talk about their characters relationship in New Moon.Here is an excerpt from the interview:

MTV: Kristen, in your opinion, how is the relationship between Bella and Jacob in “New Moon” different than the one between Edward and Bella in “Twilight”?
Kristen Stewart: It’s such a different relationship; it’s like entirely original.

MTV: It seems much more playful.
Stewart: Yeah, exactly. They’re light; they actually have fun with each other. Edward and Bella are always so strange, you know?
Taylor Lautner: It’s always so tense.
Stewart: And only he can bring her out of that rut. Like, she literally is going to die; she’s going to stop eating and be done. And the only thing that brings her out of it is this lightness [Jacob] brings.

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